Tuesday 29 March 2016

T10T: 10 Books you gave 5 Stars Recently

And here am I with yet another challenge!!! I found out about Top Ten Tuesday in the The Brooke and The Bookish and I thought it was really cool and another way to talk about books so I decided to take a chance on it.

Like my wednesday challenge, I'm not sure I will be able to alwayyyyys do this but still, I'mma try! It will probably fun.
Now, since I don't give a lot of 5 stars, I will edit the challenge from "10 Books I gave 5 Stars Recently" to "10 Books I gave 5 Stars ever".
And here we goooo:

1. Baltasar and Blimunda, José Saramago
Even though my list has no order whatsoever this would always be my number 1 because it's my favorite book everrrrr. So this is the story of Baltasar, 7 suns, and Blimunda, 7 moons, and the construction of the Mafra Convent which is one of the coolest buildings ever in Portugal. Also, Saramago has a super different writing and makes me believe I can be different too. So I reccomend this book to everyone I know because it's rad and the coolest!

2. An Abudance of Katherines, John Green

This was my first John Green book and it was also my favorite. I found it really hilarious and so easy to read, plus the characters actually had some personality (unlike other books I've read from him).... or maybe I just liked because it's about a Kat and I feel important!

3. Diário do Último Ano, Florbela Espanca

I don't think this book has ever been translated to English. Florbela Espanca is one of the most famous and liked portuguese poets who lived a very dramatic life; some of her poems are now songs (see: Perdidamente by Trovante) and this is a diary of her last year (that is literally the title: Diary of Last Year). This is one of my fav books because she is one of my fav poets and even though this book is so sad, it's also very poetic.

4. My Sweet Orange Tree, José Mauro de Vasconcelos
(i think this is the picture of the movie but anywaysssss...)
This book is soooooo sad but sooooo good. I remember that when I was little I watched this show on TV and then I read the book and I felt all the feelings again. It's about a child that has to grown up very fast, his loyal friend a sweet orange tree and a portuguese old man who becomes the child's protector. It's so good. Everyone should read it. (But also have Kleenex at their side while doing so).

5. The Other Boleynn Girl, Philippa Gregory

I have mentioned before that this was the book that made me fall in love with Philippa Gregory (even if I fell out of love when I read the sequel) but I just adored to read this book and I feel like I learned so much about the Tudors from it. Or maybe it's because this book made me search like crazy about the Tudors. I just love it.

6. Wallbanger, Alice Clayton

For me, this is THE book! I loooove it. And also, it made me a slave to Alice Clayton so I'll probably read everything she  ever writes, even if it's her grocery list. I also love this book because it was the first proper comedy book I read and I had a great time reading it!

7. Outlander, Diana Gabaldon
I first watched the show and then I picked up the book because the show was on a huge hiatus. I adored this book because it made me feel like I was right there, in the action and in Scotland. I didn't feel bored at all even though there are a lot of discriptions and the proof that it's so good written is that some parts stayed with me so much that I skipped a few epis of the show (if you read this, you know what scene I'm talking about!)

8. To Kill a Mocking Bird, Harper Lee

If there's something that makes me so angry that I turn so red that I could explode, it's inequity and discrimination so this book spoke right to my heart. I really liked how the story is told from the eyes of a little child that doesn't understand why things are the way they are....even if they shouldn't be.

9. D. Amélia, Isabel Stilwell

This is another portuguese book that I don't know if is translated to english. This is a book about the last Queen of Portugal, Amelia of Orleans (the D. is for Dona, something we call royal members or older people). I didn't care much for the writing at some points but I loved this Queen, she did such good, and the book follows her life from before she came to the country until she married King Charles.

10. Rafa: My Story, Rafael Nadal and John Carlin

This book is about Rafael Nadal and that is basically the only reason why I've read it: because I love this guy. He is like my favorite person in the entire planet. It's not that the book is so cool but the fact that Rafa is! Also, I remember that I had to ask someone to get it for me when they vacationed in another country (oh my little 13 year old self, so unaware of ebay and all those online stores....sigh). This was the first and only book about sports I've read....it's also probably gonna be the last, if Rafa doesn't write another book.


  1. To Kill a Mockingbird is a book that everyone needs to read at least once! My TTT

  2. Great list. I recently reread To Kill A Mockingbird, and I still love it. John Green’s books are really good, too.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. To Kill a Mockingbird will always have a special place in my heart. I'm looking forward to read the sequel!! :)
