Tuesday 8 November 2016

10 quotes from "It Ends With Us"

Whoever has read my final review about "It Ends With Us" witten by Colleen Hoover already knows how this book made me feel and how fragilized I got when I finished it. I couldn't even choose one favorite quote because I loved the book so much and the writing is really delicious.

So, let's do this. I picked my 10 favorite quotes that made me teary-eyed and that were the reason why this book touched me so deeply.


“In the future... if by some miracle you ever find yourself in the position to fall in love again... fall in love with me.”


“I feel like everyone fakes who they really are, when deep down we're all equal amounts of screwed up. Some of us are just better at hiding it than others.”


“I’ll keep pretending to swim, when really all I’m doing is floating. Barely keeping my head above water.”


“Sometimes even grown women need their mother’s comfort so we can just take a break from having to be strong all the time.”


“Maybe love isn’t something that comes full circle. It just ebbs and flows, in and out, just like the people in our lives.”


“That’s what fifteen minutes can do to a person. It can destroy them. It can save them.”


“But then this morning I had to tell him goodbye. And he held me and kissed me so much, I thought I might die if he let go.But I didn't die. Because he let go and here I am. Still living. Still breathing.Just barely.”


“Just because someone hurts you doesn’t mean you can simply stop loving them. It’s not a person’s actions that hurt the most. It’s the love. If there was no love attached to the action, the pain would be a little easier to bear.”


“All humans make mistakes. What determines our character is whether we turn those mistakes into excuses or lessons.”


“It stops here. With me and you. It ends with us.”

And what about you, what's your favorite quotes from this book?

More about "It Ends With Us":
Final Review

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Me Thinks #9: It Ends With Us

Title: It Ends With Us
Author: Colleen Hoover
Pages / Year: 367 / 2016
Discription Here

First things first: I am still recovering from this book so expect a review filled with tears and rethorical questions and also a little bit of fangirling.

I chose It Ends With Us to read during my first week at my new job, especially because I've been spending 2 hours of my days in the subway (oh joy!) and I finished this one so quickly and I loved it so much. To be honest with you, I wanted to have written a post about my first impressions of the book but I always get home around 8pm and I also always want to read more and more so finally, on saturday, I saw down and I finished this baby.

And I cried so much!

('But, Cat, weren't you the one who didn't cry over books?'.... yes, honeys, but bare with me, this book left me very sensitive!).

I'll begin by praising this beautiful cover, it's so amazing and I love it so much that, in part, I feel like I might have started this book because of it considering I didn't know anything at all about the story at the start. Like you probably know, I have a hate-love relationship with Mrs. Colleen since I adored "Ugly Love" but hated "Slammed" with a passion.

I started reading this book slowly and careful, looking out for signs I hated on "Slammed" and as I went over I began wondering why the heck was this book called "It Ends With Us".... but what, what ends with us, Colleen??? And will you believe that I had no idea what the title meant until I got right to the end, when Lily basically explained it to all of us??? Oh my. I felt so in love and so blinded by how this book is (and yes, by some tears that made my vision blurry) that I didn't even associate the title with the stuff that was happening! Even now, as I recall that scene, I get goosebumps.

(I told you I was sensitive!!!)

This book tells us the history of Lily's parents but mostly of Lily, Ryle and Atlas and is one of the best, most subtle and sublime love triangles that I have ever seen in books. It's so intelligent and well written that only after you stop for a bit and think about it, you realize you are torn between Atlas and Ryle. Yes, I was torn between choosing Ryle or not because no matter what he does, I felt exactly like Lily: lost, confuse and thinking 'dammit, but you love each other so much!'.... and exactly like Luly I was also one of the people who always thought that the person who stayed, the victim, was the silly one. [I'm being a little vague about it because I don't want to spoil it!!!]

I feel like that was the main reason why this book touched me so much, because the message was so well transmitted and it was a book that hold our hands and walked with us through the story showing us what was happening instead of just telling us. I am so glad I was home alone, this saturday, when I finished this book because I was bawling!!!

Besides the story being really good, the writing is delicious with amazing passages (yes, I will have to make a post with my favorite quotes from this book because there were way too many to only choose one) and the characters were so real, they could be our friends, our family, our parents, even.

This is such an important book and I feel like it should be read by all the young girls and women, by people who suffer any kind of abuse and by people who, like I used to be, think situations are all black and white, that either things go our way or we walk. Please, please, read this book!!! Believe me, it's going to change your view of the things and relationships. 

I have so many favorite quotes, but I'll leave you with this one:
 "There is no such thing as bad people. We’re all just people who sometimes do bad things."