Tuesday, 28 June 2016

10 Books I Want To Read This Summer

It's summer, it's warm, the days are long, laziness becomes us.... and for those of you who, like me, melt when the termomethers go above 30ºC, it's the season of seeking shadow and hiding in cold places with a book and some music.

Oh, yes it is. (you're not seeing me, but I'm currently writing this from the inside of my fridge. cold, cold, cold).

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is a freebie so I chose 10 books I want to read this summer. Notice how I don't say I will read them, knowing me I'll get interested in another book mid-way and drop this TBR but still.... I really, really want to read these ten books this summer.

(Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish and it's a super cool thing we do on tuesdays, so if you're cool, get on board, if you're not cool then become cool and get on board too).

Everything I never Told You (Celeste NG)
Everytime I walk into a bookstore, I always grab this book and read a few lines because I'm just so in love with the cover. I really, really want to read this one... I feel like it will be a bit like We Were Liars and fuck me up a bit so... nothing a summer day can't fix!

The Raven Boys (Maggie Stiefvater)
Everyone is talking about this book and loving it. Everyone. Seriously. I have read the summary and it's not my style at all BUT since everyone is loving it, I'm going to give it a try!

The Deal (Elle Kennedy)
This book has been on my TBR forever and I have seen a lot of hype and love sorrouding this books and it's sequels, so I neeeeed to read it. I also want to read it, but the need is stronger. I think.

 The Winter Palace (Eva Stachniak)
My TBR wouldn't be complete without at least one historic romance. This book is about Catherine, The Great who is an Empress I am really curious about so yay. Also the cover... soooooo pretty!

A Court of Thorns and Roses (Sarah J Maas)
This is such a hyped book and I need to get on this train, seriously. Everyone seems to have read this book and everyone loves it so here I am, world, catching up with you.

The Summer Garden (Paullina Simons)
The last book of my favorite trilogy that I've read this year: The Bronze Horseman! Ahhhh. I want to dive right into this one... and I will, but I need to make it last a little bit longer!

Tim (Colleen McCullough)
I don't even know much about this book but on one of my lunch hours, I walked into a bookstore and this book was there and I really liked the cover so...TBR it is.

Voyager (Diana Gabaldon)
To be honest, I have started this book but it's on my plans to finish it this summer. After all, next year we have season 3 of Outlander based on this book. Yiiiiipe!!! (even though I feel like the 2nd season has some scenes from this one... might be just confused).

The Shadow of The Wind (Carlos Ruiz Záfon)
My friend L. offered me this book last Christmas, she said that this was her favorite book by Ruiz Záfon so it's on my TBR!

Truth or Beard (Penny Reid) 
I just love Penny Reid, and summer asks for something light and fun and full of laughs. I also love the cover. 


  1. I want to read The Raven Boys, too! I don't actually know anyone who has read it, but I have seen a couple of comments about how weird it is, and I am down for weird :) Great list!

    My TTT.

    1. Ahhh I never seen anyone talk about how weird it is BUT I'M DOWN FOR THAT RIDE! Oh my. Now I got even more excited for it!

  2. I hope you enjoy reading all the books on your list this summer. I like The Outlander series a lot.

    Here's a link to my TTT for the week:

    1. I loooove the Outlander series urghhh have you read the 3rd book yet?

  3. I really enjoyed The Raven Boys, I hope you do too when you read it.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2016/06/28/top-ten-tuesday-63/

    1. Did you??? :D ahhh I'm getting excited. I see everyone talking so good about that book! Definitely is going to be my next read!

  4. I just read The Raven Boys week before last and I really liked it. I wasn't a big fan of ACOTAR.


    1. Really??? I see everyone singing praises to ACOTAR! Now I'll feel less bad if I don't like it :) ayyy excited to read Raven Boys!!!

    2. Yeah, there are a lot of really popular books that I don't like as much as everything else.

  5. I really enjoyed the raven boys. Hopefully you'll end up reading it and enjoying it! I have heard so many good things about a court of thorns and roses, and I own it (along with throne of glass), but I haven't read either yet.

    1. So far I'm liking the Raven Boys but I'm only at chapter 5!!! Veryyyy in the beggining and I still understand nothing hahaha I wanna read COTAR but I don't know... it just doesn't call to me!
